The last week or so I have been dealing with some lingering leg pain. I am going to take the rest of the week off and hopefully get out there on Saturday or Sunday. Im not sure exactly what the deal is other than my calf is sore..probably a strain...and my knee is sore...probably from lack of stretching or something. So for the rest of the week I am going to focus on limbering the fuck up. Im pretty flexible, but I need to really work on making my muscles longer.
It is getting cold and I have had to switch my running routine to after work, which I am not a fan of. I prefer to run first thing in the morning and get it out of the way. Running after work is fine, I just have to pay more attention to the food that I eat. Meaning I cant get a slice of pizza for lunch anymore. I also have to watch my coffee intake.
I do believe that soon I am going to be relegated to the gym dreadmill. Oh well, at least it will take some stress off of my joints for a few months. I really really really do not want to put on that winter 15lbs this year. It takes me all summer to burn that back off. That is my goal!
Knee pain is usually a sign of weak hips/glutes. Most people spend too much time sitting these days and we pay for it when we go run. It's all a kinetic chain from core to foot. Add some clamshell exercises and maybe some bridges to the routine. As for the calf, that might need some stretching. Do the runner's stretch and mock sit and you'll feel better -