So this morning was a bit of a rough one. It was pretty humid and I have a hard time filling my lungs when this happens. This knocked off my breathing cadence and I wasnt able to hit my groove. Normally I can knock out the morning 4 without much of a struggle, but today I was walking a little before mile 2. Ugh. Not ideal, but at least I got out there and did it.
I do not like to point fingers when I have a rough run...BUT...all fingers are pointing at me. First,.I put on the wrong hat this morning. I know that sounds silly but I am OCD when it comes to doing things like running and what gear I am using. I have to have the right hat, right socks, right shirt, etc etc. I grabbed the wrong hat because it was hanging up in the shower (so all the sweat from the previous run could drip off) and the bathroom was dark and I was in a hurry. I also blame it again on me for not putting the pronged collar on Billy and running him with just his flat collar. Normally the pronged collar helps keep him in line and at my pace and it lets me easily correct him. The flat collar does none of these things. So he basically pulled the entire time, which increased my pace, which annoyed me and that emotion helped expedite my demise. Oh well, tomorrow I have 6 ahead of me which should be fun. Hopefully the weather is nice and this cloud of humidity finally leaves.
There weren't too many people out on the path this morning, which was kind of a nice change of pace. Although I do enjoy waving at people who do not acknowledge or wave back. I know they probably dont see me, but still, EVERYONE SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE ME. Haha. Kidding. It would be weird if I was actually like that. I also do like seeing people smile when they see Billy trotting along next to me. It makes me feel good.
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